Friday, June 13, 2003

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BORIS! (Can you tell I couldn't figure out how to make a title for an individual blog?)

Well, if this blog works the way I think it does then you've already read the description. Of course, that assumes you work the way I think you do and read stuff. This also assumes there is a "you" reading this at all. Anyway, as the description says, this is a Happy Birthday message to Boris. So he may be the only one to ever read this. I dunno. That's all up to him. If all the deep, dark secrets I reveal about him aren't too much . . . just kidding. Really, if I knew that much about Boris I'd be able to get him a far better birthday present than just making him a blog. I mean, I know Boris is a nice guy because he took me to prom since the rest of my friends aren't the prom-going type. I know he's good at video games cause he thomped me at every single competitive game at our Gameworks afterprom. :P He even beat me at the board game we played at after-afterprom! (of course, I think a lot of people beat me at that.) :| I also knows he plays chess really well too, but I wasn't about to challenge him to a chess game. He plays the saxophone, he writes blogs, he plays computer games. . . .

But none of these things helped me think of a present to get Boris because he's apparently not allowed to have video games. (A problem he's going to remedy by becoming an evil truck driver. :|) He's already got a saxophone and a chess set. And I know nothing about computer games because I'm more of a video game person.

Anyway, if you know Boris (or happen to BE Boris), then you know his birthday is the 15th. So why am I writing a Happy Birthday message now? In such a modern world of fast-paced interaction surely I could--walk the few blocks to his house and wish him a happy birthday. Well, that would probably be cool except for a few things. The first being that I'm going on a college orientation the 14th-15th and THEN I leave for California THE VERY NEXT DAY and I stay there until July 16th! Wheeeeee. . . . The other reason is, as I said before, I couldn't think of anything to get Boris for his birthday. Normally I make people cards because I lack this sort of originality. I also lack the ability to make much of anything else. :P But the best card idea I could come up with was a card that resembled a blog. Then I thought, why not just make a blog?

So, Happy Birthday Boris! :) Hope you have a cool birthday with lots of presents cooler than a blog that says "Happy Birthday!"