Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More Windows

I learned that blogger actually has a limit of pictures you can post when I did my last window segment, so here are some of my other window pictures. The first two are at Mont Saint Michel and the last three are at Chenonceau, the world's awesomest chateâu!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Are there Rupees Inside?

After playing Twilight Princess this pumpkin patch takes on a whole new meaning.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Pictures of the Week: Windows

I've been neglecting my pictures of the week. Mostly because there hasn't been much to take pictures of and I'm reluctant to use old ones because I've shown almost everyone all the good ones.

Or have I?

While in Taiwan and France I took hundreds of pictures and I only sent a very select few home. So in this segment I shall honor the ones not as often admired even though they are quite good. I would like to kick this off with a theme I was working on while in France. I was very taken by the scenes seen through windows and how stricking pictures of them looked surrounded by blackness. I played a lot with the light and shadow cast by certain windows as well. My camera wasn't good enough to capture most of what I wanted, but here are some of my better attemps. Some (The Notre Dame statue in particular) may be familiar to close friends, but I'm confident that at least a few will be new to anyone who hasn't seen all my French pictures (and I think I'm the only one who's seen them all.)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Actually, Cherianity has 8 converts. Miscounted. This is by no means a reflection of my Godly powers.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Another Convert to Cherianity!

I also rediscovered my 2nd convert and have another potential convert (I think she's weighing her options). Once again, if your prayers are not being answered, then send me an email.

This brings my grand total up to 7. And the world is that much closer to enlightenment.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

YouTube Picks of the Week

I waste a lot of time on YouTube, but this means that you don't have to if you have the same taste as me! (And the will power to ignore the never-ending stream of related videos to whatever you look for.) Anyway, here's an extremely random grab bag of cool things I've found. Each link has my comments below.

Ever wonder what it would be like if Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings were the same movie? Obviously you're not the only one! I'm not sure if it's the similarities or dissimilarities that make this so funny. Possibly both. George and Fred make a perfect Merry and Pippin, and Dobby could easily be Gollum's distant cousin. But Snape is most definitely NOT Aragorn.

No comment on Hermione/Arwen.

Amusing in a totally corrupt way. It's disturbing how perfectly the Disney scenes fit...

If you know a lot about Jane Austen's novels or have at least seen all the movies (not sure if any of my readers do or have) this is HILARIOUS. Though, it may still be kinda funny even if you don't know anything.

Another Jane Austen but this time it's Pride and Prejudice mixed with Harry Potter which should be amusing if you at least know about Harry Potter and even funnier if you know about Pride and Prejudice.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Duck, Duck...

Whilst walking up the hill from work I heard the familiar honk of geese and a question occured to me. Why do geese migrate? Why don't they just stay in the warm places all year long?

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Today I went to the Arnold Classic fencing tournament with my friend, Danny. He didn’t win anything, but he pretty much expected to be crushed, and it takes a lot of courage to compete against so many very experienced fencers. So kudos to Danny!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Vanity a beautiful thing.

So I have this love-hate relationship with my hair. I love it and it hates me. But today it was behaving abnormally well, so I thought I'd play with the timer on my new digital camera and have a fun modeling session. Here are the best pics of my glorious curls.

Some of you might be saying "Cherie, there are too many pics of you." And you would be wrong. There are never too many pics of me. Besides, you should admire the hard work that went into these pics since it takes a long time for me to properly seduce a camera into taking good pictures of me. People are far easier.