A Book Review and Exciting News!Last night I finished reading
Only You Can Save Mankind by Terry Pratchett. It's the story of Johnny Maxwell who finds that the aliens in his shoot-them-up computer game have surrendered and now he's sucked into the game, not to save mankind, but in order to save the aliens
from mankind.
This was a great quick read. A different style than Pratchett's Discworld, mostly in the lack of much description. It's 80% dialogue or internal monolgue but good dialogue/monologue because it's Pratchett. And the other 20% has plenty of action with fighting against or to defend aliens for anyone who finds the idea of dialogue boring. There's also some of Johnny's life in the real world during the Gulf War and while his parents are getting divorced looked at with Pratchett's brilliant satirical eye. I wish I'd checked out the other two books in the trilogy before I left Ann Arbor because none of them were in the library here. But they probably wouldn't have fit in my suitcase anyway.
Yesterday was my brother Curtis's birthday, and it would be good to say that's why I did not post yesterday, but actually the truth is I was just feeling lazy. So I'm thinking I need to start up another post or be punished deal. Just for the duration of my break (from today-May24th) to be absolutely clear and not on days where it would be physically impossible (i.e. I am on a plane with no internet access), but I think I also need a new one other than not reading the fanfiction my sister wanted me to read all that time ago. Sorry Chrissy, but it's no fun if that's always my punishment. So if any of my friends can think of some good punishments, that'd be great. That's what friends are for, after all, right?
However, here are some ground rules of the punishments:
1.) They cannot have the possibility of resulting in me getting arrested (i.e. public nudity, ect).
2.) Come to that, no nudity of any kind. Not that I think any of you are all that keen on that, but I just thought I'd put that out there just in case.
3.) They cannot result in me being made physically ill, injured, or killed (such as having to eat any questionable items.)
4.) This cannot result in punishing anyone but me.
5.) My hair stays the same length and color it is now (yeah, I know what some of you were thinking...)
6.) It has to actually be possible for me to do. Like...buying a million dollar house or going sky diving are not things I have the resources for. In fact, if it requires more than 5 dollars, it's not really something I have the resources for...So nothing that requires more than $5.
7.) Cannot have any possible negative effects my professional life (as dyeing my skin blue would).
I dunno, maybe punishments with all those rules are no fun. If that's the case, I'll just do the fanfiction thing again. As a matter of fact, even if I do get other punishments, I'll just throw the fanfiction thing on the pile. Because I'm a good sister. Of course, really it'll be mostly hypothetical because as long as I have motivation to post, I can post. Now if I get more than one punishment I could alternate, like (this week if I don't post every day, I'll...) Or I could just volunteer to do all of them at once. We'll see. Either way, any punishment that fits all those rules will be honored if I do not post.
However, just so I don't shaft you guys with a lame post with just a link or funny picture I found on the web but did not create myself (as I have done in the past), I'll state that my posts must be ONE
(but not all) of the following:
1.) At least 500 words written by me on any subject (or on several subjects).
OR2.) Must include current news about myself, as well as at least one fact about myself. You may all think, that's not hard Cherie, anyone can say "Woke up today, ate, did stuff, went to bed. And I like cheese." But not me! First of all with how much I like to sleep the "woke up" part might not be true. Second, I hate writing things that are lame. Which is why I often don't write in this blog at all if I feel my life has been particularly lame and I often have a hard time talking about myself (as much as I love myself and as much as I like to talk).
OR3.) Must include some form of art that I have created such at a drawn picture or photo taken by me because creating any kind of art is not something I do without motivation anymore (sorry Ponce). A video blog would also count as art, but unfortunately I'm very unlikely to produce one of those. Honestly if I do one of those I should get a prize. Or maybe that could be a punishment... But it'd be more like a challenge. Really I've always wanted to do video blogs, but I'm rarely in places I'd be comfortable doing them. For instance, currently I'm at my Dad's house where I'm NEVER alone and would definitely be marked as insane if I started talking animatedly to a camera.
Okay, now while my posts only have to comply to one of the three following things they must always include a picture of some kind like the book cover on this post (although I am not responsible for if the picture later has some sort of glitch that causes it to disappear but if this happens I must be able to either provide the picture again or describe what it looked like). AND a new and amazing feature: I will ALWAYS answer any question anyone asks me.
However, I do not promise correct answers and stupid questions will get stupid answers. I also only have to answer any given question once. For example, if someone asks the same question, such as "Is your hair long?," to which I would respond "Yes" or possibly "Yes in comparison to average but no in comparison to Rapunzel," I would then NEVER have to answer that question again on this blog. Unlike real life.
And now for today's breaking news!
Today I went through the invites I've gotten on YouTube. There were seven of them and all but one of these people had been suspended from YouTube. I added the one that had not been suspended. Of course, I didn't just add him because he was the only one left. I added him because it turns out he might have had a legitimate reason for adding me whereas the others most likely did not.
Friends of the Week: Sarah, Dejah, and Brian (who now know their Harry Potter Houses.)