Sunday, October 26, 2008


9,724 Words in October. 214,023 words total. 362 word processed pages.

Today I wrote the end of my novel. Again. So anyone who knows me well knows this is not the hardest part. The real celebration can begin once I send it out, which is not until after editing. The job of editing looms before me, a task I've yet to complete without breaking down and rewriting. But since I started this draft when I was 21 and not 10, 12, or 14 my hopes of having produced a viable work of fiction that should only need a few tweaks are far higher. So while I'm not out of the woods yet, this is definitely an important day. A heartfelt thanks to all who have stood beside me and this novel and borne with my obsession all these years.

Also, if you're interested in reading it to help me edit, let me know....

Friday, October 17, 2008

Numa Numa!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Know What I Want In A Man

Hank is married to the lovely lady featured briefly in this video. But if any single man out there can dance like that with as much unselfconscious joy then he can call me any day.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Long Live Porky!

Here's a picture I took during better days but right now he isn't looking quite the same.

My favorite puffer fish possibly has a parasite along with many of the other fish in the tank. The fish caretakers told us what to do but they think it's a possibility that Porky could die. This makes me really sad because on bad days Porky has always cheered me up. He always has a smile for everyone and I truly hope the medicine does the trick and he can keep on smiling for many years to come.

A video I took last year of Porky at his finest...

Friday, October 03, 2008

September Words

In September I wrote 6383 words. Not as lame as some other school months but certainly a disappointment in comparison to the summer.

Extra Cherie points if you find where else I put up a picture of this tree.

And Tim sent me this great comic from: