Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Beautiful Girl

Heretofore my beautiful people list has been all men but there are plenty of beautiful women whose looks I admire. Olivia Wilde, who plays Thirteen on House, is easily the most beautiful woman on television (or Hulu in my case) in my opinion. I think it's her huge bright eyes. I can never quite tell their color, but they're mesmerizing. I know Dr. Cameron was supposed to be hot, but I personally never found her that attractive even before Thirteen came on the show and made all women look like hags by comparison. Usually it's easy to resent girls like that but when even I wouldn't mind looking at her all day, I can hardly judge. She's the perfect female counterpart to Dr. Chase, who is the male version of mind-melting pretty.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Poker Face

Back from my weekend and had an excellent time. My sister and I met our friend Thomas downtown at a Smash Brother video game tournament at the library where we met some friends of Thomas and they invited us over for board games. The only not so fun part was we got stuck in a parking garage when the only exit broke and no attendant was available to help, but at least half of the people stuck were the friends we had met so there was only one unpleasant person who didn't understand the concept of a broken exit. We played Clue (which I won from almost sheer luck--Mrs. White in the Conservatory with the Knife!) and a game called Alhambra (which I lost spectacularly). Thomas also taught me to play poker which took a lot longer than I expected but was fun to learn. I started off quite well but had lost everything by the end. Good thing we were playing with poker chips and not real money!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

No Blog Posts

I'm staying over a friend's house this weekend, so I won't be posting until Monday.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Robots That Feel...

They've done it now. They've created robots that can feel emotion. Click here to read the article. My sister contends that this is no different than people's ability to create babies. I, on the other hand, see a whole other group of sentient beings that are likely to be first enslaved, then really ticked off (because now they can feel ticked off that people treat them like tools), and then kill us all. Okay, maybe that's a bit paranoid, but I'm just very wary of this. I don't blame the robots. I don't think they'll be naturally bad. Simply that anything will probably snap after people treat them like servants with no rights. People often don't treat other people decently, so I have no faith in their ability not to tick off robots.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer's Last Hurrah?

Today was positively baking! I had to go to the post office to mail an application (oh, how I wish they could all be online applications). But the weather site claims it should be cooling down, so I hope that turns a out to be true. I think my brain melted a littled from spending too much time in the heat.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Will Grayson, Will Grayson:
Book and Audiobook Review


Will Grayson is a teen in Evanston, IL whose non-confrontational personality is often challenged by his larger than life friend, Tiny Cooper. Will Grayson is a teen in Naperville, IL who has no friends. Happenstance cause these two to meet one night in Chicago and their colliding paths cause them to share more than just their names.

Overview (No spoilers)

What I really liked about this book was that it was a marked departure from John Green's usual romantic themes. It deals in romance, but more importantly, it's a treatise on friendship: what it is, what it means, and what a true friend will do for another. It's not that I haven't loved the romances Green has written, but this was a refreshing change not just to him but also for YA books in general which, much as I adore them, I will confess often rank romantic love far above friendship. As for Levithal's character, I've never read anything else by him, so I can't compare, but I did like his character in the end. Though I'll note that I hated him in the beginning. It wasn't that I couldn't relate, since though it constantly shames me to admit it, it really wasn't that long ago that I was a teen. But the anger and angst of the age are not things I miss. However, the character's need to use his anger to distance people because of his own fear that he wasn't worthy of affection struck a more universal cord with me.

Audiobook (Mild spoilers)

Only after listening to the audio did I glance at the text and realize that Naperville Will's sections were written in textspeak grammar which, no doubt, would have driven me nuts to read since I can't even abide textspeak when someone is texting me. That combined with his angst-ridden character might have made me give up earlier if I hadn't been listening. I also was impressed that they sang the songs and the ex-boyfriend song cracked me up when the guy sang "I don't have to you you why." Something about the tone mixed with the words was what made it funny. And it was a good choice for them to alternate readers, of course. I'm guessing Evanston Will's reader sang the songs but honestly I don't know for certain. Overall, they were both excellent voice actors that were able to emphasize feelings I may not have felt from a straight reading of the text.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What Do You Think?

I bought this cloak the other day but have left the tags on because I have a short window of opportunity to return it. I misremembered the color of the dress I'd be wearing it with but I still think it looks nice and I like the color. On the other hand, they had purple available which might match the dress better and is a little bit cheaper. But I'm normally not the biggest fan of purple so I'm not sure I want to exchange it even if it would match the dress better. I saw the purple one in the shop and discounted it because of its color. Obviously you guys can't tell me what to do but what would you do?

Oh, and I don't actually live in a tilted house; I just couldn't find the camera tripod.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Not the reviewers. A while ago I found my old journal and saw that I used to read an average about 30-34 novels in a year. I wouldn't count books I only read partially and sometimes wouldn't count books I'd been forced to read for school (because the two were often one in the same), unless I really liked them. One year was roughly double that because I started reading graphic novels which are quicker reads. But for a while I stopped keeping track and the lists reminded me how much I missed that. It's nice having a comprehensive list of what I've read. It's not that I generally forget, but I do often forget just how much I read. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. So I've started doing it again. I started with every book I could remember reading this year which is a total of 10 so far. But it's higly possible I'm forgetting some. And before anyone suggests the many websites that track this things, I would like to say I simply prefer journaling them at this point.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

There Comes a Time...

...In every computer's life when it decides it hates you. And it stops working. Or works spottily. I'm currently on the latter so my sister's installing Ubuntu on my computer to see if that will help. Now I sit at my old desktop which feels so antique despite being quite a bit younger than a friend of mine's computer which I think she said was six years old. I think I've had five different computers in the past six years so that boggles the mind for me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Secret Sandwiches and a Free Lunch

So I found out that Safeway actually makes really good sandwiches and they're cheap! I know this sounds like an advertisement but I'm actually proud that I got a free sandwich today because last time they gave me a coupon for one. I thought I was going to have to buy a drink but since I had a card with the store, that was free too! Okay, 5 cents for the bottle but I think that doesn't count.

Oh, and no blog tomorrow because I actually have a social activity, go me!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Book Club and Dexter

Today I went to my book club and now I'm watching Dexter season 4 with my sister which is the reason for the short post.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I went outside yesterday to find this monster on my bike. I'm pretty afraid of praying mantises so it took quite some time of anxiously poking it with a reed and then finally jostling the bike until I was able to get it to go away.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Practicing Interview Questions

I've spent the past several hours practicing interview questions. Not exactly my idea of fun. Earlier today set up my online account for my health insurance and filled out a survey about my recent doctor's visit. I wish I could have commented on the effectiveness of the survey. I would have liked to be more specific. Like I didn't feel I was qualified to rate my doctor's overall skill, especially after only one visit. I also REALLY hate their phone tree. But once you get a hold of a person they're perfectly nice and helpful. Also, in the doctor's office they gave me a sheet to fill out where they asked how much calcium I consume. Gee, let me check my personal nutrition log... Yeah, oddly, it seems I didn't take note of that.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Getting Old?

I feel like I'm slowing down. Part of me just thinks I'm not eating right or possibly not sleeping properly. I'm too young for it to be age. Aren't I? Of course I am. I'll look back on this and snort at my worries when I'm actually old. Still, at a quarter of a century, perhaps I am feeling time just a little bit.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I Got an Interview!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


My sleeping schedule had actually been normalizing but now it's getting wonky again, although still not quite as bad as it used to be. Today I turned in another application by hand. While riding the train I listened to John Green's new book, co-authored with David Levithan, and I think people might have thought that I was crazy when I laughed out loud to myself. Now I'm home and just tired.

Oh, and I'm staying at a friend's house tomorrow, so no post.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cherie's Tip of the Day--My Caffeine

I've never drunk coffee and only occasionally drink caffeinated teas, but I do often feel groggy in the morning. What I like to do instead of drinking stimulants is to listen to voices--I prefer YouTube videos or TV shows (often found on YouTube or Hulu because I don't watch TV). But I think some energetic music with words might help some people just as much.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Link is a Lefty!

I was very disappointed, although not surprised to hear, that the new Legend of Zelda game, Skyward Sword will not feature a left-handed option. Honestly, I don't usually make a big deal about the world being made for right-handers. I've mostly gotten used to it. Plus I'm ambidextrous. I just happen to favor my left. So if Link had been a right-handed hero, I probably wouldn't have even noticed or cared if there was no left-handed option. But Link was a lefty. One of the few! A hero for all leftys! And they changed him just so right-handed people could feel more comfy.

The petition I found only had a depressing 38 signatures of which I am one. Several hundred less than a petition I found to bring back Squeeze-it juice drinks and not nearly enough to change Nintendo's mind. But if any of you feel like signing it or writing Nintendo a letter, I, and all us other disappointed leftys would really appreciate it.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Internet ADD

So as much as I love and will defend the internet I have to admit it does give me a certain amount of ADD. I don't think my mind necessarily wanders more, but with the internet there's always the added temptation to actually check the price of the RenFest costume, look for a different job posting (while you're filling out another job posting), write to a friend, verify a bit of obscure history, etc. Regardless I think I got a little more done today than usual. I've been meaning to brush up on my Chinese for a while now and finally took the time to do so today after filling out another job app. And now I'm going to do some writing in my new novel before the day ends.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Would You Help a Thief?

According to this video, you might if you're a guy and the thief is a girl. I find this to be simultaneously sad and hilarious. Apparently I've thus far missed out on my opportunity for a life of crime.

I wanted to also add the irony that a YouTuber named ShayCarl recommended this TV show in his video. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise, and I thought it was cool that it's gotten to the point where I'm more familiar with YouTubers than TV shows.

Friday, August 06, 2010

I Spy...

...A new book by Piers Anthony. Looked interesting but also a bit more epic than I feel like reading right now. And possibly ever. Not much for epic. When I looked it up it also appears to be part of a series I've never read so I'd have to read the first one anyway. But I'm just impressed he's still writing.

...A car parked too close to the train tracks so my train was delayed.

...A wedding photo where no one was smiling.

I Taste...

...A seafood Subway sandwich where the seafood tasted off. But I'm such a wimp about these things. I think a normal person would have complained but I feel like I don't know if I just have a funny taste in my mouth, so I just didn't eat it.

...A cantaloupe green tea. The first I've had with no milk and it was delicious! Yay for non-diary!

Thursday, August 05, 2010


I spent much of my day browsing postings and filling in forms. I'm beginning to feel like my job has become writing my name and address.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

What I'm Up To

  1. Applying for work. Cursing online apps that don't work!
  2. Collaborating on a twitter project with a friend and a novel with my sister
  3. Reading the (yet unpublished) Goblin Gate. Hooray ALA!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Celebrating a Friend's Birthday

But forgot to say I wouldn't blog. :P

Monday, August 02, 2010

14th Amendment

I found out that they want to change the 14th amendment so that it doesn't include the children of illegal immigrants. Apparently they wouldn't revoke the amendment, just fiddle with it. In a nutshell, this would mean that those born in America to the parents of illegal immigrants wouldn't be citizens. To be honest I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't particularly like agreeing with the people supporting it. But I have to say I can't come up with any good arguments against it. I always did think it was a bit strange of a law, a bit like a child's game; I'm touching this dirt so that gives my child rights. At the same time, I have great sympathy for the people who flee here for a better life. I'd rather make all the migrant workers citizens, and through them any children born here, than revoke their children's rights (wasn't someone trying to pass a law like that a while ago?). I feel they do a valuable service to America, and no matter what anyone says, they're not taking any jobs that Americans actually want to do. Plus, another reason it's bad to make the children legal but not the parents is that it makes it illegal for the family to stay together. So I don't think it should be based on touching dirt, but if someone is working here and has been for years, I think it benefits everyone to make them legitimate members of society. I'd be interested to hear other people's thoughts on this.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

With job app stuff so not much to say today and possibly no writing as this needs to take priority.