Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Agenting We Go...

Today I submitted my novel to the Richard Henshaw group. Extremely tempting to just write Dear Mr. Henshaw in the query letter. But I decided the other agent working for him seemed like a better bet, so I sent it to a Ms. Taylor instead.

Since my last post, I went to a fun Star Trek party where my amazing friend Sara made me these lovely ears! Then lots of other stuff happened, which was followed by an epic Thanksgiving that was actually two Thanksgivings in one. I went to my boyfriend's family's house where we had a nice traditional Thanksgiving with yummy turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pie. They talked about family and listened to music. Then I went to my sister's house where we had tofurkey and played one-player video games all in the same room. A truly great day.

My sister bought me a Wii for Christmas, which is awesome! And she got me Skyward Sword which I've not played much of yet, but which has an elf version of me, earning it major Cherie points.

I finished editing my fantasy novel; I'm hoping for good this time, and I've started editing my children's novel. After my fantasy is finished making its rounds of the agents, I'll start sending my children's book out.

In random news, I was disappointed to find that even fresh red delicious apples are not as delicious as advertised, but fresh Asian pears are fantastic!

And that's my life in a nutshell right now. It's a good life. I think I'll keep it.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Where's Cherie?

In the past couple of weeks, I've been to two Halloween parties, helped some friends move into a new apartment, and shelved a whole lot of books!

I saw this weird, sad, but somehow awesome pumpkin graveyard while helping my friends move. When we first passed by, only the giant broken pumpkin was on the curb. But as we were leaving, all the rest of the pumpkin brethren had come to mourn their friend's loss. Their gaping mouths howled and bayed silently at the sky, their grief unheard.

Very sad indeed.

Then there's just the weird phallic gourd. No idea what that's about.