In an effort to make this blog vaguely interesting to someone who might read it I've decided to add pictures more frequently. They might not actually be every week, but I'd like them to be, so we'll see. Anyway, these are some old pictures from Taiwan, but they're quite amusing and I don't think I ever got the chance to talk about them. I also just learned that if you click the picture, you can see a bigger version. Just a heads up in case you, like me, are a slow learner.

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On a random note I would also like to explain why I don't have a Facebook account. The idea of Facebook rubs me the wrong way for several reasons. The first being that if someone is truly my friend, then I feel they'll take the trouble to keep in touch with me in the first place rather than looking me up one day when they're feeling nostalgic. This doesn't mean that I expect constant correspondence from my friends, or that I wouldn't be thrilled to hear from an old friend out of the blue, but I'm presently confident that all of the friends who have completely lost track of me have done so on purpose and due to no lack of trying to keep in touch on my part. Furthermore, when I was younger, I was quite fond of message boards, and I met plenty of internet friends with the same interests there rather than needing to be sorted into a certain category on any Facebook group. I also have grown mostly out of my message board phase and have found a plethora of other things to waste my time on. I still talk on message boards occasionally, but I'm no where near as keen on them as I used to be. Finally there's just something creepily cultish about Facebook in my opinion. Things that are popular tend to detract me automatically and my feelings about a thing only change if I see a good reason for its popularity, but I personally have no use for Facebook. I know that many people use Facebook for purely practical reasons. I want to make it very clear that I am not refering to these people. But so many more seem to use it like some kind of virtual popularity contest. When I hear people having long conversations about who's signed who's Facebook wall and their pleasure at abusing the "hooked-up with/dating/marriage" status options, I just feel like these are people who lead rather small and meaningless lives, and I have no desire to join them.
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