Saturday, September 02, 2006

Pictures of the Week: Ghosts

Once again these are old pictures because I was talking with my friend Becky and I told her about this blood-chilling picture my very special Kodak camera took of a ghostly tourist, doomed to roam the old prison quarters of Mont St. Michel until she finds the perfect souvenir. The giant wheel you see was used to bring food up to prisoners they once kept there. Unfortunately, the prison ghosts were camera shy.

(Click picture to enlarge)

Speaking of ghosts, below is a non-humorous cultural photo of a Ghost Month celebration in Taiwan. This is paper money being burned to be sent up to the ancestors in heaven. The litter on the ground is all paper money because some bits would get caught in the current of hot air and rise out of the bin to fall to the ground. I remember how the ash danced in the air like black snowflakes.

(Click picture to enlarge)

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Cranky Cherie's Aches and Pains: As an old lady of 21 I feel compelled to complain of my old bones. In this case, actually, it's my old muscles as I seem to have thrown out my right shoulder. Again. This probably means I should not do any fencing until it heals, but I don't know how well I'll stick to that plan. More likely I'll convince myself that I'll be fine if I fence left-handed and thus make myself worse.

I also have a toothache that hurts searingly when I drink hot or cold liquids and sometimes if I eat hot or cold foods (though the food in the dining hall tends to be a uniform lukewarm so I have an easier time with the latter.) Last time I had this problem I went to the dentist only to be told that I had a sinus infection and I paid $80 for nothing. So this time I refuse to go to any quack calling himself a doctor or otherwise.

Things that Annoy Cherie: People who lock their computers *coughcough*Nathan and Louvie*coughcough* so I can't sneak into their rooms when they're out and change their desktops to something totally incongruous to their personalities.


Anonymous said...

Notice that hosts aparently drink Minute Maid.

Anonymous said...

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Who knew that ghosts like Minute Maid?