This is a rather blurry picture but it looks good that way. I took it in Taiwan at a place called Tiger Head Park. It reminds me of one of those fast action camera tricks they do on TV when all the cars turn into streaming lights.
In Cherie News:
I started serious editing on my novel today. I already separated the scrap from what needs to be kept but since I dropped dozens of characters and made several changes much of it needs to be rewritten. Starting with the entire beginning. I was going to start on Saturday but I was so daunted by the fear of doing something wrong and once again messing up the story that's been my life's work that I decided to write in my children's novel instead. But today I actually started the new beginning and I'm feeling really optimistic about it. I just hope it stays that way because I'm too lazy to learn to be good at anything else. Writing's all I've got.
On a somewhat related note I've decided that I quite like surrealist French poetry. This is a nice surprise since I thought I'd hate it more than the classic poetry considering I generally dislike modern artistic movements. It's best in French, though, so I recommend you all learn French to read it.
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