Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I bet when you learned the word pulchritudinous (the world's ugliest word for beautiful) for the SAT, you never thought you'd see it again, save for maybe something stuffy and literary. To be honest I had't seen it in anything outside my high school vocab book, and I've read some pretty esoteric stuff. Until now. Today I have found the word pulchritude (the noun version of pulchitrudinous) in MSN's current dating article: Are You Hung Up On Looks? proving that the SATs are not in fact useless but teach us how to understand internet dating advice.

* * *

On a completely different subject I'd like to note that I was a bit hard on Tim and that I misinterpreted his remark on my pictures of the Louvre. He was actually simply saying that the Louvre would be an excellent setting for a horror story. It already is the setting of The Da Vinci Code, though I suppose that's more suspense than horror. Besides, the scariest thing about Dan Brown is his writing style (or lack thereof).


Anonymous said...

I was once besotted with pulchritude...

But then I realized it was just bad ale.


Cherie said...

Um, no offense or anything but who are you? Do I know you?

Anonymous said...

Oh, not even going to guess or anything? It's Brian.


Cherie said...

Actually, I guessed in a different string of comments. I figured it was either you or your sister. Also, if you'd like to put your name on your posts instead of having the annoying "anonymous says," just click the bubble on the right that says "other" and it'll let you put in a name.

Anyway, it's good to hear from you Brian! I hope you're doing well and have not been beset by scurvey or pirate's itch.