I know this fact is rather contradictory to the lovely picture I have here. By the way, I did NOT draw this picture. It's something I found on the internet a really long time ago and saved. Mad props to whoever did draw it, though. Obviously this is what I wish I looked like while writing. Writing by hand certainly looks more romantic than slouching over a computer. But I'll bet anything that serene fairy has programmed her quill to word-processor capacity.
I also added 1,330 words from my notes. Proving how I like to move things about. These are either from the previous draft or things I write on the fly and later edit into my story, so I don't recall when I write them (though maybe I should start keeping track.) I have, however, recorded when I add them. The reason I don't record their initial writing is because sometimes I never add them, so they can end up being more like mental exercises than strictly countable story progress. Not that thinking about my novel isn't progress. I just always fear becoming one of those people who thinks very hard about writing but never actually does it.
So right now my story is 90,766 words and a few paragraphs more than 139 word-processed pages. If I wrote normal sized novels, I'd be finished or less than a month from finishing. Unfortunately, I do not, and I couldn't tell you how much longer this will take. But if I can keep up the pace, there is a hope of me finishing before the year is out. I certainly do not plan on making this one into the monster the last draft was. But I don't want to impose a length on it either. Very difficult, really.
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