Friday, February 08, 2008

Frankenstein CD Players and Poems

My CD player is the undead. I've dropped it several hundred times at least, broken the battery case to the point where I have to hold it shut with tape, and the other day finally broke the thing into two pieces. I put it back together with very little hope.

And it worked.

It's alive, Igor! It's aliiiive!

And today I hung out with some very cool kids at a teen poetry reading at my library which lead to my brief review on the book above. I even got paid for it, but I would have done it for free. I admit I was a little afraid I wouldn't like it, because my own poetry from my teen years was less than exemplary. But I really liked listening and talking to these kids. Probably something about elementary and middle schoolers that will spend a Friday evening in the library reading poetry and playing Boggle meshes with my own personality.


Stephen said...

imagine my surprise when i saw you (or someone suspiciously identical to you) in a nerdfighter birthday video not long ago.

if that makes no sense, ignore it.

also, how are you?

Cherie said...


What's your email?! I can't find it anywhere!

That was indeed me saying happy birthday to John Green (if you are referring to the girl with the long braids and Star Wars T-Shirt). I even posted it back in my blog here somewhere. My video was actually much longer and featured me singing in French and doing other goofy things but Hank edited it down. I was cool with that though and really admired all the work he did. I was just happy any bit was included. Might have preferred if they'd included the singing but oh well. I have been a vlogbrothers fan for a while now. Posted in My Pants a bit but ran out of time in grad school. Never thought I'd encounter anyone else I knew who was one though. :)

Grad school had flattened my spirit and robbed my soul. But I'm otherwise fine. And you?

Good to here from you. :)

Anonymous said...

That is one kind cd player. Maybe it knows you can't take anymore stress so it won't die till you graduate.

Love mom