Saturday, May 24, 2008

Going back to Ann Arbor

It seems like no time at all that I've been here but in several more hours (if all goes well) I'll be on a plane again going back to Ann Arbor. This also means that we've reached the end of my blog everyday challenge. I'll still keep blogging but I can't promise daily updates. But it's been fun and I hope you guys have enjoyed it. Sigh... It's been a lovely vacation and I'll miss my family.

Fact about me: I live too far away from my family and friends.


Anonymous said...

Yay! You'll be closer to me at least. I work in town Monday through Wednesday most weeks if you want to do something post 5pm. I'm trying not to dirve out of Brighton the rest of the week to save some gas money for the coming semester. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I can find someone on the open network to carpool with. I couldn't last year, but maybe that will change with gas going to $4.10 on average over here. (No, I do not want to even think about the California gas prices. You are SO lucky to live in the city!)

Sarah Renee said...

I know what you mean! I wish all of my family and friends and I could all be in the same place.

Cherie said...

Yeah, Dejah, we should do something. I should be downtown next Monday June 2nd and I also get off work that day before 5pm. We could meet up somewhere and get bubble tea or something. Have you ever had bubble tea? If you have and you hate it, we could do something else, that's just the first thing I can think of.

Yeah, Sarah, except my entire family does seem to have migrated to California and now one of my best friends is moving out there too. But of course since it's such a huge state they're all still a plane ride away from each other. :P