Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Vlogs: Book Reviews and News!

It's been a long time and I was going to do this last night but found out my batteries were dead so I couldn't. But I managed to do a couple after I got home and before I did more work on my database of death. So here's three new videos! Since I can't edit I just do multiple videos on one focused topic since I can ramble on for quite some time if I talk about random stuff.

So here's the Trickster's Choice review with NO spoilers:

Here it is with spoilers (and also spoilers from Trickster's Queen!)

Below is the Nawat picture I mention in my video. I envision him much better than this but I'm an impatient artist. Still it's vaguely like what I see in my head. I based the picture off the Arab guy in The Mummy since I see Nawat as looking a little like him only younger.

And here's just a random news update. Not real news but Cherie News. I promise you won't learn anything about the world at large.

Okay, maybe it is a little like real news...

Speaking of news my August word count is 9309 in case anyone's interested. I was lazy this month, and I can't really imagine things getting better when school starts, but the story really is nearing the denouement. I just hope it's worth 13 years of my life. No pressure, though. Although, the low word count might be good because the total word count is 195,914. Urk...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My new favorite quote "Why! Why are people so STUPID!!" I've asked that plenty of times myself. :)

And, yes, the undergrads are back. I have a cognate course with a bunch of them. Should be interesting, but I hope not too interesting. Seeing as I had one already call me old, I'm not too happy with some of these kids. Oh, and they do clog up the buses! I get so mad because the parking lot I use during the day is two stops past THE place to work out on South campus, so I always have to deal with them either crowding in UNSHOWERED in the morning (it's the jock neighborhood down there) or completely exhausted in the afternoon. Either way it sucks because, I would think an athlete would want to run or jog down to the workout center from campus to get half of it completed, but NO they'd rather cram into a bus, pushing out commuters who actually have to get down to the parking lot that is at least a half hour walk from campus, only to walk off the bus two stops later, cleaning out half the bus. Arrrrghhh!!
Anyway, I don't know what your schedule will be, but if you want to do something Wednesday afternoon I'm game. Ttyl.