Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lost in Austen Review

I finally managed to get Lost in Austen from the library a few days ago but hadn't gotten around to reviewing it. I sent my thoughts to a friend though so, for the spoilers review, it'll be exactly what I told her because I'm lazy that way.

But first!

NON-Spoilers Review (This review does not contain pride, prejudice, or spoilers)

The premise of this British TV series was a modern woman got sucked into the story of Pride and Prejudice and her presence throws off the entire plot. She even discovers that some of the villains aren't as bad as she thought and some of the good characters aren't as perfect as she imagined. I had a good time watching it even if a few aspects did bug me. If you're looking for a retelling of Pride and Prejudice, and you're able to turn off the little voice that says "That's not how it's supposed to go!", this could be a fun watch. This show even made me like Mr. Wickham. So if you're curious to see how that could happen, I recommend it. It's a nice imaginary frolic through Austen's regency England, but don't expect anything profoundly deep.

Spoilers Review

I liked it but I wasn't nuts about the ending. I felt really bad for Charlotte and that was never resolved. Going to Africa is arguably better than life with Mr. Collins but she seemed to believe that she had been abandoned by her one friend. Plus I never can completely buy a time travel romance where a modern person stays in the past. I can't imagine that they wouldn't quickly regret this decision with the lack of indoor plumbing, medicine, and as we saw in this one, toothpaste and brushes. But, still, I did find it amusing. One of my favorite phrases in French translates as "I passed a good moment." I think that defines this movie well.

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