Thursday, August 06, 2009


Align Center

Yes, here is my second punishment pie (or rather pies). Significantly less cool than last time but oh well. I had too many ingredients for just one, so the pie on the left is an afterthought pie consisting of all the rest of the berries I could scrounge around the house. Maybe it could count as amnesty from another punishment? Nah... It's probably not good enough to qualify.

And here's why they're less cool. I tried to be lazy and cheat on the lattice crust by buying dough for the top but it turned out to be the wrong kind of dough and I had to take it off before it burned.

However, no one pie-jacked this time. Anyway tomorrow I'm going to Palo Alto to visit relatives there, so just a reminder that out of town vacations aren't punishable offenses.Align Center

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