Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Erudite Conversations?

Today my sister and I were in a temporary Border's Bookstore in the mall. They had only been there for the Christmas season, so everything was on sale. I overheard this conversation at the register:

SALES CLERK [talking about all the great sales] -- "We had Gray's Anatomy on sale for a dollar."

CUSTOMER -- "Oh, really? I've seen the TV show but never read the books."

And then a little more of my faith in humanity was lost.


Brian said...

This is simultaneously really funny and really depressing.

Cherie said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. I mean, I guess I did grow up with a copy of Gray's Anatomy on our bookshelf (I'm guessing my mom got it for drawing since she's an artist and not a doctor). But I always thought it was a relatively well-known book...