Sunday, September 12, 2010

Photo Sunday
Walnut Bush?

My sister and I went bicycling today out on a trail by the river and we found this odd unidentifiable plant. At first we thought they were walnuts but most the trees with these things were squat and looked more like bushes which does not describe the walnut trees I remember. Anyone recognize it?

I cut it open the unidentified fruit or nut open with my key but it didn't help to reveal the mystery. It was rather soft for a nut but possibly wasn't ripe.

Here's also a blurry picture of a rattlesnake because my sister's smart phone doesn't have much of a zoom and there was no way we were getting closer.

1 comment:

Deja said...

I like the new background on your blog! And I don't blame you for not getting closer to the snake. I also thought this was a walnut bush/tree until I saw the cut fruit. Maybe it's a really unripe walnut? Or something tropical? How's the job hunt going? I found another small but cool project, so I am almost up to 40 hours a week between two jobs. I'm just waiting to find out what they'll pay me. I miss you!