Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Perils of Hypochondria

Tim reminded me that there are still people who read my blog (even if it is just him). Well, to be fair, there's probably at least three, maybe even four if I haven't lost someone's interest. And as long as I have an audience, no matter how small, my vanity forbids me from giving up completely. So I apologize for my long hiatus. My life to date has unfortunately been filled with grad school applications, spending time with my family, and getting sick. You would think that Thanksgiving break would have been an opportune time to post in my blog, but I felt guilty about any time not devoted to spending with my family, grad school apps, or editing my novel. Besides, since my sister is a member of my audience, and thus also a large percentage all by herself, I felt that there wasn't a lot of reason for me to post over break. Plus, I also figured that all of the rest of my audience would be spending time with their families rather than reading my blog.

Anyway, I'm afraid I'm not very happy right now because I had to call in sick for work. Although, I suppose the "had to" part is the problem. I am sick. There's little question about that. I've been sick for days. But I have a little Confucius that lives inside me that says I'm never too sick to do work (where this Confucius goes when I'm writing papers, however, is a mystery). Still, I took one look outside which is a very wet-looking grey mess and decided that going out for the long walk down to the elementary school would not improve my health. It's a bummer because I actually love my job. I love working with the kids, and I feel bad when I can't go in. I worry the kids will think I've abandoned them. It's bad enough that I do have to abandon them at the end of the year. It seems I have precious little time with them as it is. But I also was so exhasted last night that I went to bed around 9pm but still slept very poorly. All night I was unusally hot and thought that I must have a fever. However, when I woke up this morning and asked my roommate if it was hot in the room she said that it was. She also reported that my forehead did not feel hot, so I must conclude my hypochondria got the better of me as far as the fever was concerned. But I still do have a bad cold and that's undeniable. It is doubtful, however, that I have Mad Cow disease, though I did consider the possibility.

I just wish this horrible weather had been last night instead of this morning because I was constantly woken up by drunks outside my window. Close enough to hear clearly but not close enough to shoot a water gun at. It appears to have stopped raining, though, which makes me feel even guiltier for not going to work, but what's done is done.


Anonymous said...

I feel like I have missed so much! You are sick?! Oh no! And you are applying to grad schools! Yay! Which ones? Sorry for all the exclamation marks!!!!


Cherie said...

Hi Ishani,

Yeah, I've been sick for a few days now. As for grad schools I'm applying to a lot but and I'm not sure about all of them but a few I'm thinking about right now are Michigan, Tennessee, McGill University, Kent State, and Washington University. I'm afraid Chapel Hill wanted higher GRE scores than I'm ever likely to have so I won't be going to North Carolina.

I hope you've been doing well.