Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year: Year of the Pig!

Piglet's clearly very Chinese and this is his year.

Tim is Friend of the Week. Not because I'm going to be a bridesmaid at his wedding but because he commented on my blog. In honor of this, here is a picture that I feel defines Tim:


Anonymous said...

Alright! Friend of the week! Is it redeemable for, uh, coupons?

Mag fiancee and I were both born in the year of the pig. Too bad the Chinese zodiac placemats in American Chinese restaurants tell us that boars should "avoid other boars."

Good thing I'm not a superstitious Chinese guy, I guess.

Cherie said...

You get Cherie points for being friend of the week, much better than coupons.

And here's a link that doesn't seem to think two pigs are completely incompatible:

My favorite line on this site has to be: "Pigs delight in rich foods, lovemaking, long baths and naps ... Two together may not get much done, practically speaking, but they will enjoy their time together immensely."

Yup. That sounds exactly like you and Mag. ;) You hedonist, you.

Anonymous said...

I was born in the year of the pig and so was Chrissy. So Cherie you are surrounded by pigs. hee,hee.

Love you


Cherie said...

It would seem that I also dated one.

Anonymous said...

Well, I figured that was obvious so I didn't say it. But that is what I was trying to say when I stated "you are surrounded by pigs." But I get it you just thought I didn't read Tims post.
I did and you are totally surrounded by pigs. hee,hee.