Friday, March 23, 2007

Pictures of the Week: Windows

I've been neglecting my pictures of the week. Mostly because there hasn't been much to take pictures of and I'm reluctant to use old ones because I've shown almost everyone all the good ones.

Or have I?

While in Taiwan and France I took hundreds of pictures and I only sent a very select few home. So in this segment I shall honor the ones not as often admired even though they are quite good. I would like to kick this off with a theme I was working on while in France. I was very taken by the scenes seen through windows and how stricking pictures of them looked surrounded by blackness. I played a lot with the light and shadow cast by certain windows as well. My camera wasn't good enough to capture most of what I wanted, but here are some of my better attemps. Some (The Notre Dame statue in particular) may be familiar to close friends, but I'm confident that at least a few will be new to anyone who hasn't seen all my French pictures (and I think I'm the only one who's seen them all.)


Anonymous said...

Ooh, these are very pretty! I really like the one with the colors from the stained glass shining back on the wall.

Cherie said...

Thanks! I think my mom thought I was weird for taking pictures of windows though she'd probably also at least like the one with the colors.

Anonymous said...
