Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Extraordinarily Moving Commencement Speech By J.K. Rowling.

While I love the Harry Potter books I had never pegged Jo Rowling as the world's greatest speaker. She always seemed so shy, and she is not the type to enjoy the attention she gets which tends to dull, in her public appearances, the vivacity that we see so much in her writing. I've also always thought of Harry Potter, and its writer, as having a better story than philosophy. Her themes are not bad--they are timeless--but we take timelessness for granted. I have. And even though she is still clearly shy and still clearly part terrified, I was riveted.

I have greatly underestimated her.

Friends of the Week:
Sarah and Dejah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am still being honored for not saying anything? Nice!