Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Long Live Porky!

Here's a picture I took during better days but right now he isn't looking quite the same.

My favorite puffer fish possibly has a parasite along with many of the other fish in the tank. The fish caretakers told us what to do but they think it's a possibility that Porky could die. This makes me really sad because on bad days Porky has always cheered me up. He always has a smile for everyone and I truly hope the medicine does the trick and he can keep on smiling for many years to come.

A video I took last year of Porky at his finest...


Anonymous said...

I will be sure to keep Porky in my thoughts. Don't fret too much Cherie!

Anonymous said...

Porky is cute! I thought you'd have a shot of him puffing up though I guess he's too nice a fish for that. Where's he at, anyway? He sounds like a restaurant fishie. :) Miss you much! I'm making a few friends but not many. I can hardly wait until this half term class ends! I'll be SO glad not to be juggling five classes a week, though 4 group projects and 2 jobs is nearly as bad. :( I miss the Clements. Too much writing!

Cherie said...

Thanks, Sam!

And in response to Dejah, puffer fish only puff up under extreme stress. It's like a bumble bee's sting. It's not good for them and they've only got a few puffs in them before they die. Porky is the Library's fish. He's in the Youth Department of the Ann Arbor District downtown branch. If you watch the vid you can see the stacks of books behind the tank.

Sarah Renee said...

AU's health center has porky's twin!