Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Here's another character sketch I did of the main character from my novel. As always it's not exactly what I think she looks like. I imagine her face being a little fuller, her eyes and mouth a bit smaller, and her nose a bit more pert. But I quite like the picture and it's a good general gist. You may be wondering why I didn't just make the adjustments I mentioned but he reason I'm a writer and not a visual artist is I've never had the patience it takes to make my pictures as perfect as I want them to be.

Still, it's nice to be complimented and two little girls in the airport shyly sidled up to me while I was drawing (before I colored) and said they liked my picture. Then two people on the plane said the same. Always nice, even though I've known enough real artists to know I'm not one. Maybe I should draw in public more often, though. It's a great ego boost.

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