Saturday, April 03, 2010

Flying Observations

Wouldn't that be great? If observations could fly? Then perhaps they could buzz from head to head. Of course, then they might assualt innocent people with their observationess, and then where would we be?

So, since this is a totally unrequired blog, it doesn't need to follow any rules. One rule I've always had before is to have a picture. But I'm beginning to wonder how good that is. Seems like most the time I just pull pictures from the web, so I didn't even make them myself. But I started adding pictures under the assumption that it's always nice to have something to look at. So do you guys like it? Do you guys care? Are there any guys out there even reading this? I know my sister and a few friends read my blog fairly regularly, but I never know who's reading when. Anyway, any feedback on whether you still want me to put up pictures with each required post would be appreciated.

Since this is unrequired it may also be better. I feel I've fallen into the funny links trap of blogging and not saying much about myself. Some days it's too personal. Some days I'm just too embarrassed to admit how little happened. I feel, as a writer, I should be able to make even the most banal experiences interesting. Or, in the very least, lead a more interesting life. Perhaps if I pushed myself to write more about myself, I'd feel a higher lever of accountability as far as that's concerned.

But traveling is always an experience. Good or bad, I always notice something. For instance, my flight was cancelled, so I had to take an earlier flight which was already delayed. It was a little nerve wracking receiving a boarding pass for a flight that should have already left, but they made absolutely no remark about it at security--which was dead. I was seriously the only one there. Was no one flying today? Isn't it close to Easter? You'd think some people would be heading home.

Anyway, I noticed on the flight information screen that it said something along the lines of Reason for Delay: Aircraft Delayed. The type of sad not-quite-thought-out thing that always makes me laugh a little inside.

The first plane I rode out to San Francisco was also the smallest I've ever been on. The size of a private jet and only a handful of people were on it. About this time the drowsiness side-effect of the Zyrtec I took kicked in, and I spent the majority of my airtime in a semicoma. So, unfortunately, while I think the Zyrtec worked a little better than the Claritin, it didn't work well enough for me to want to deal with being tired and confused every day I take it.

On the second larger plane, as we were waiting to deplane, I overheard a little boy chatting up a woman in the seat behind him. "Are you wearing lipstick?" You know, boys can wear lipstick too. They make it blue and green." A lady standing in the aisle shared a look with me, and I expressed my belief that this boy was a future ladies man.

While riding in the shuttle to my family's house, I saw a single firework explode in the sky and watched it fade into nothing. It was all by itself, not followed by anything. There also wasn't any reason I could think why there would be a show tonight. It made me smile because of something someone said to me recently about fireworks. But part of me now wonders if it might have been just a mirage bought on by my slightly addled brain.

Upon arriving, I found my two little brothers have both grown significanly since I last saw them. This makes me sad because I want to be their big sister for as long as I can. If they outgrow me, I'll just be their older sister. But seeing as the oldest, nearly 12, still thinks he's a small woodland animal, I guess I'm still both for now.

I feel a bit of a bad sister too because I remembered to hug Curtis, the eldest, but not Dennis. In my defense, this is not due to lack of affection but mostly because he's so quiet and reserved. Curtis walked right up to me, whereas Dennis gave me a sidelong look and slunk off to play on the computer. But I shall have to hug attack the boy tomorrow to make up for it.

Anyway, I should probably go to bed soon as I'm sure they boys will want to play tomorrow.

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