Thursday, September 22, 2011

In Defense of My Generation

Generation Y, the Millennials, the Echo-Boomers. Whatever you want to call us, it seems we get no respect. Sometimes, I think that part of growing older seems to necessitate a certain amount of disdain for the younger generation. So perhaps every generation goes through a time when they are looked down upon. But I only know that it makes my blood boil to see the word "entitlement" put together with my generation time and time again. Right now I've been set off by seeing it a book I'm reading called "The Unlikely Disciple" (p. 9, Roose). What bothers me most is that it's written by someone in our generation! Please, please, please, my fellow peers, don't endorse the stereotype!

I would like to make a quick note that I actually am enjoying the book I'm referencing, but this is an issue I feel the need to address. How are we entitled exactly?

  • We're currently living in one of our country's biggest economic depressions
  • Jobs we studied in school for years to obtain are no longer available
  • Because our country is so obsessed with the War on Terror, we're not even entitled to the privacy of our own bodies when traveling
I won't say we're perfect. I won't say that some of us aren't spoiled. But this wouldn't be because of our generation.

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