Thursday, June 08, 2023

Star Trek Voyager Review 2023

 So I know I must have watched Voyager when it was first on, but I have no memory of anything except general impressions and the opening credits. This was not because I was too young because I wasn't, and I have a much clearer memory of TNG. Not clear why my brain decided to just delete every episode of Voyager. Anyway, Jay and I have been watching it all the way through and are on the fifth season. I was hesitant at first because all I could remember was that it stressed me out when I was younger. I hated that they were lost. Also, it has a pretty mixed reputation among fans and several deeply problematic parts. But I'm so glad my desperation for the comfort of one more 90s Trek after watching all the others drove me to finally watch it. I'm thoroughly enjoying it, and the episodes "Infinite Regress" and "Juggernaut" are now on my list of favorite Star Trek episodes of all time. Additionally, Tuvok is the most Vulcan Vulcan to ever Vulcan, and I love it. The EMH is now tied with Dr. Phlox as my favorite doctor (yes, I watched Enterprise before Voyager. That's how much I was avoiding it). Also, I love Seven of Nine. I don't remember exactly hating her as a kid, but I really liked Kes, so I think I might have felt like it would be disloyal to like Seven too much. But now that I'm older, I know I can both think Kes was robbed AND still think Seven is great. And that Jeri Ryan should have gotten an Emmy for "Infinite Regress." I still have issues. Harry Kim is a deeply disappointing Asian character. Not the actor's fault. He's just not written particularly consistently. Also, the writers didn't know that Harry KIM is a Korean name. They told the actor at the end of the run that they thought the character was Chinese. The entire seven seasons. Also, there's stuff with Chokotay's "native" representation that's pretty cringe. Still, there's enough good to keep me happy, and honestly far less problematic things than in Enterprise which I also thoroughly enjoyed in spite if its many flaws. I wouldn't say Voyager is my favorite Trek. But it might be as high as third favorite.

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