Friday, August 10, 2007

Cherie Scheherazade

I was watching a marvelous interview with Neil Gaiman when he began to read some poems. Now, my reaction to poems seems to be what he got to these poems and he was so charming joking about it that I gave them a listen and they were actually pretty good. For poems. *Looks shifty having admitted that*

Anyway one was about Scheherazade, but it was really about writing. It touched me in a completely unintended way because as a child I always hated my name and a part of me, while reconciled with the cuteness, still feels it's not the name of a great author and that I'll have to resort to my initials or a pen name to be taken seriously. And I still may have to. But listening to Gaiman's poem made me realize that my name is the echo of one of the greatest storytellers of all time. Cherie. Short for Scheherazade.

So thanks Neil and thanks Mom. I have a new appreciation for my name.

Below is a link to the interview. It's slightly over an hour which is the longest thing I've ever seen on YouTube. I always assumed it wasn't possible to download something that long. But I guess it is. Anyway, the whole thing's worth watching if you have an hour to spare. He's such a hilarious and interesting guy.

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