Saturday, August 25, 2007

Just Can't Keep Away

I have my very dubious half-dead laptop jury rigged to work and kudos to Michigan for setting up a relatively decent internet network. If it'll work with this computer, which doesn't meet several of it's MINIMUM requirements, it's pretty good.

This also proves that Cherie finds one day without the internet intolerable and that desperation and being really lonely in a big empty apartment are powerful tools.

Now there's also something very cool on youtube I want you all to see. At least, I think it's cool. But I may be very biased. If you don't know who the vlogbrothers are, then you may want to fast forward to 00:43 seconds of the following video to see what I want you to see:

However, I highly recommend watching their other videos. The previous one won't make any sense to people who don't already follow it, but these two should be hilarious to anyone with the ability to laugh:

The only background that might be slightly helpful for the first video is that the guy int the video, is award-winning young adult novelist, John Green. Most notably, he wrote Looking for Alaska and An Abundace of Katherines. This way you know why he's so awesome but also why he has author editions of those books.

I've really been meaning to give these guys a good review for months, but I'm a bit too tired today for a proper one. So, for now, here's the short version: they're awesome. Go back through the videos and watch them from the beginning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute youtube videos. I liked the its too hot song. It IS way toooooooo hot in the dorm.