Friday, September 07, 2007

Is She...Dead?

No. I'm still alive. I haven't felt like it at times, but I am. There have been a couple times through the week where I could have blogged but didn't. There are several reasons for this. One is that the blog may have consisted of something like: "Ogg...sleepy." The other is that there has not been much of note for me to share. I could probably still post a sentence everyday. But the utility of this is questionable. It seems most my readers appreciate my longer, thoughtful posts. The only things I've thought to remark on recently is that I discovered there are cinnamon bun Creme Savers (which are awesome), and that I really hate it when people knock on the doors of public restrooms that are locked. If it's locked, then there's someone inside, or it's locked for some other reason, likely by someone with the key. I know sometimes kids amuse themselves by crawling under the stalls and locking the doors, but I was in a single room restroom. What's someone going to do? Ooze under the door crack, lock it, and then ooze back? So yes, I'm in the restroom, but I'd rather not announce my presence or talk about my activities therein, thank you very much.

It's been a full week. I think most the exhaustion really comes from adjusting, though. Once, I've got certain things like food and transportation down pat, those will hopefully drain less of my energy. Plus, they really weren't kidding about needing at least 8 hours of sleep in grad school. I skipped two days of novel writing because I ran myself so haggard, but on Thursday the TA was kind enough to provide us with snacks at our last class, and it really perked me up more than I would have thought. So some of my exhaustion may be from low blood sugar. Mom was right, I should carry snacks with me. I'll try to remember to buy some when I go to the store tomorrow. But I'm proud to say I managed to write a little over 500 words both Thursday and Friday, and I hope I'll be able to make-up for the missed two days by writing at least 1000 Saturday and Sunday. We'll see. But if I can at least keep up the writing, that will be something.

Both an exciting and tiring thing I did this week was my work orientation and training. It's exciting because I learn many cool super librarian things so that I may soon be a little super librarian who shall hopefully be able to upgrade to big super librarian. But it's tiring because all the librarian super powers have to be taught to me very fast so I can throw on my spandex sweater set as soon as possible and fight with my amazing bookish powers!

Anyway, let me know if you would be interested in me blogging random short stuff everyday or if you'd prefer that I only write when I have something interesting to say.

Friends of the Week: Tim and Becky! Thanks for commenting!

Chrissy also commented a while back, and she's my sister of the week every week, but I thought she deserved a colorful name.


Anonymous said...

Hope things are going well for you, even if they do seem ovewhelming. Good job on actually finding time to get some writing done!
I'm highly amused by the image of the spandex sweater set of the Super Librarian. (Although everyone knows that real superheros have capes as well!)

Cherie said...

My cardigan could be really long and act as a cape.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I always thought the point of the knock was to inform you that there's someone out there waiting so don't dawdle! Of course, I end up hurrying up for them and then they're gone when I get out, so I've been ignoring the SI bathroom knocker(s) lately. Anyway, there used to be a funny bathroom plaque out there somewhere about that relating the number of knocks to the immediacy of the knocker's need, so I'm guessing that's the thought behind the knocking. I'm also guessing the knocker grew up in a large family and it could be a habit that's hard to break.