Sigh...I know, compared to the other months that's pretty pathetic. As is painfully apparent by this number, I was not able to write 500 words every day while being a grad student and holding down a part-time job. My life is clearly busier, but this still makes me frustrated. I feel like if I was hard-core enough, I could do it.
But I suspect that somewhere at my core, in the place of an iron-will, I have a slightly melty cream filling.
Friend of the Week: Sarah! :)
Nah, hon, there are just only so many hours in a day. Don't beat yourself up. You're Cherie, and in the end, you're unstoppable. ;)
Thanks, Sarah. I just feel like, if I'm not working all day, I should be able to do it. Of course, sometimes I am working pretty much all day... But the hard part is being keenly aware of how much time I waste. It seems like I could be more efficient.
You wrote more than I last month....
Well, unless you count lines of code, maybe....
Yes, but you're also married. I can't imagine balancing a relationship and grad school.
Hi, Cherie! Long time no post! How is everything going? I hope grad school isn't driving you too crazy!
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