Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cynthia is Made of Awesome!

Thanks to Canadian Nerdfighter Cynthia (she was so cool she came all the way down from Canada for this) I finally have footage of the Ann Arbor event! It's perfect too because she was sitting right next to me and filmed almost everything I would have filmed had I had my camera (And possibly even some things I would have been too slow for because my reflexes stink). Incidentally, the librarian in the red shirt who introduced John and Hank is the Awesome Sharon who gave me my Paper Towns book. And as extra icing on the cake the back of my head and even my profile feature prominently in this video since Cynthia was right there. No one will probably enjoy it as much as I do but there's still some pretty fun stuff on it:

* * *

And a few more pictures of the event I've gathered from other people's Facebook. Probably the best use of Facebook I've ever had.

This picture pretty much sums up how awesome I thought this all was.

Spoonfingers! What's that? You don't get it? They're spoons and fingers!
That's really all there is to get. And look I'm in the upper far right background probably talking to Nerdfighter Allison who took the picture of me with the Green brothers.

The musicians.
You know you're in a roomful of awesome when it has both a ukulele player AND a guitar player.

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