Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election 2008

My election story is very simple. I barely waited in line at all because I voted in a small polling place in a good window of time where most people were at work or in class. I fretted that I might have done something wrong or the machine may have read it wrong. I'm sure many did. But I got my sticker all the same.

I've never been particularly political, but it has mattered to me more and more over time. I also have had what feels like an almost lifelong cynicism for government. But that just means that tonight I am more proud of my country than I have ever been in the whole of my life.

That said, it's probably obvious who I voted for. But all the same I had high respect for both candidates tonight. McCain's eloquent concession speech was on par with Obama's acceptance as best speech of the night.

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