Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cherie News: Movies, Pikas and More*! (*Possibly...maybe later there will be)

Movie Review: Spider-man 3 (maybe spoilers?)

I went to Sacramento today and saw Spider-man 3 with my sister. My hopes of Mary Jane being killed in the first few seconds were dashed on the rocks (sorry if that spoiled the movie for anyone), but I was otherwise entertained. I've heard some others (namely Sam an my mom) complain there were too many villains, but I felt they managed to fit it all in well and it didn't really seem disjointed. Besides, evil people are cool.

Spider-man, unfortunately, is not cooler as a bad guy. He's actually incredibly pathetic as a villain and you want to look away at how much he's humiliating himself. But, to be fair, I'm pretty sure that was the point. I think the stage direction to Tobey was "Act like as much of an @#$ as possible." If that was the case, he executed it beautifully.

There were also plenty of special-effects and a reasonably good story, about as much as you can ask for in a sequel. Not the best but not the worst. The ending leaves a few loose-ends, but that's possibly if they ever decide to make another. I would give it a star rating, but I always feel those are rather arbitrary. If I had to grade this movie I'd give it an 89% solid B+. I laughed, I cried, I saw some of my favorite character (the editor of the Daily Bugle) and was able to forget some of my own mundane life for a little over two hours.

Pika, pika?

You thought Pokémon was fictional but it would seem that Pikachu isn't. Gone are the days when Pikachu was just another unidentified rodent. This pika hare is now suing for his rights and a share in the multi-million dollar business that has become his likeness.

One pika who wishes to remain anonymous voiced his plight. "Used to be people would say 'what is that thing?' But now I can't even walk out on the rocks anymore without the other animals shrieking 'pika, pika!' and then laughing! And that's not the half of it! One kid caught me one time and tried to plug me into a light socket! Please, people, that's not healthy. I don't push humans off a cliff after seeing one Sumperman movie."

So for anyone trying to make their pika have electrical super-powers please educate yourself on real pikas or "whistling hares" and remember that they're an endangered species.

Separated at birth?

Shout Out: to Tim and Mag who got married today. Now all the other married couples (except Kelly and Mike) are gonna be jealous of Tim and Mag's newfound blog stardom, but what's a girl to do? I just can't control this overwhelming audience.

Don't worry, Mag, you're far prettier than this lego girl. I only chose this pic because of how much the guy looks like Tim...

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