Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Better Than a Link...

Too tired to give the awesomeness of The Graveyard Book the justice it deserves so here's a video the man himself reading chapter 4.

But, title of this post aside I think I'll give a link to Neil Gaiman's site all the same because his countdown doohickey actually counts down. For some reason he didn't share the version that does that with everyone else. But I forgive him this small transgression because he's Neil Gaiman.

Friend of the Week
: Anonymous (Hint, if you click the "Name/URL" bubble when posting a comment, you can add your name. Or if you don't feel like it, add your name at the bottom. I like giving people the recognition they deserve. :) )


Anonymous said...

Thank you! If I wasn't buried in work right now, I could listen to whole thing entirely. Maybe later tonight, will have to see how the office goes.
And, :P I like being anon. Some of my best work has been published that way. And I WOULD keep up with you RT but you've disappeared from my radar Miss LIS.

Anonymous said...
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