Thursday, June 05, 2008

Punishment/Challenge #2: Be Sociable

Or, as put in the words of the sweet and lovely Mag:
ask somebody you sort of know (a classmate? somebody in your department?) for lunch/tea/dinner/a walk or whatever. The report doesn't have to be super duper detailed. Just tell us how it went.

This one's more of a challenge since I actually had (and do generally have) a good time being social. I just hadn't gotten around to it recently.

So this Monday Dejah and I went out and got some bubble tea (or rather I had bubble tea and Dejah just had tea). We talked a lot and then we went over to the grad library and looked for an exhibit they said they had but got sidetracked by several shelves of free books they were giving away. I am inspired by a similar remark Dejah made that passing up free books for most people in our field would be like a drug addict passing up crack cocaine.

So the books I have adopted are pictured above. No pics of our nice outing, unfortunately, because I forgot to bring my camera but if you don't believe it happened you can just ask Dejah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:( Dan already read the Pern book I picked up for him, but we still love The Art Of Hating over here. I'm going to read it at the pool this weekend!