Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Desktop

The picture on my desktop is something I generally put a lot of thought into because I don't change it a lot. But I have changed it a lot recently, so for those interested, (or maybe just looking for good desktop pics) here's the evolution of my desktop in the past month and some of the thought that went into it. The first picture is the one above that I had up for quite some time ever since I saw the Jane Austen Book Club and fell in love with Grigg (played by Hugh Dancy). I've got several other pictures of him because I went through the movie and took hundreds of screen shots with the aim of using them for desktops (or if they were just really good pictures). I picked this one because I generally like my Desktop to be bright and cheerful and the colors were good and made me feel I was in a comfortable place. But I decided that I didn't want to to have a guy up for reasons that are no longer valid so I may even change it back to a different Grigg pic after my post.

After Grigg I changed it to this which is a lovely Japanese style park I went to in Nantes. It was a good photo I took that didn't make me miss the place too much despite reminding me of its beauty, but it wasn't as sharp as I would have liked, and I felt like a change again, so I went with this:

A very nice shot I got of the Louvre if I do say so myself. It made me feel classy and reminded me of what is, for me, the happiest place on Earth. But while looking through a very different sort of internet art at I Can Haz Cheezeburger I came across this:

It is a hilarious picture but blown up it wasn't as sharp as I would have liked and the contrast with my icons wasn't enough so it made them hard to see. Plus, it was a little too weird going from such high class beauty to lolcats. Much as I love both. So right now I have:

Probably the best picture I've taken of my favorite sculpture in the Louvre, Cupid and Psyche. Aside from the obvious beauty and passion in the form of the sculpture, it's my favorite sculpture because I studied it in art class before going to Paris for the first time, and it wasn't like the Winged Victory or the Venus de Milo that you already expect to see and you really only see to say you've seen them. I was not expecting to see it at all because I didn't know it was in the Louvre (I'd only seen the sculpture in a picture and done a master study of sorts) and it blew me away how moving it was to see in real life. It's also in the most perfect spot by the window so when I first saw it rays of sunlight were on it and it was the most perfect thing. But I like the contrast in this photo and the fact that you can see some of the courtyard outside. Normally I prefer pictures that fit to my desktop but I made an exceptin for this one and just have it centered. The extra black just kind of adds to the ambiance.


Tim said...

I had no idea you were a fan of i haz cheezburger.

Cherie said...

It's i *can* has cheezburger. Sheesh, Tim, get it right. ;P

But yes, I have been known to enjoy the occasional browse. Mostly recently though I've known about the site for a while.