Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I Really Don't Want to Make a Pie

Gah! Why is it so hard? Why? Blog. Blog once a day. I could have written anything. I could have even just copped out and posted a picture.

But I forgot.

The frustrating part is I didn't even completely forget, and I have no good excuse. I remembered at some point of the day. Had a blog all planned. I meant to do it during the day and that didn't happen. Then I spent the evening watching Dexter with my sister. Not a bad pastime. I completely enjoyed it. I just wish at some point I'd made a freakin' blog post!

Anyway, I know you guys don't all read this far so here's the deal. I NEED a punishment. Otherwise, I have to do my sister's punishment which is to make a pie for her. I hate making food. Even though I'd probably get some of said pie, I hate the idea of making it. So please, if you love me at all, you will all think of alternative punishments that don't involve cooking! I will choose only one as mentioned before. If you're all clever meanies and just give me more cooking punishments, I'll just do the pie because, as mentioned above, at least I might get some. Or in the very least, someone nearby can and will enjoy it.

But I really don't want to make a pie.

Some of you might be thinking, Cherie, you're in a rough spot right now. You can't be expected to blog everyday.

And you'd be wrong. The blogging keeps me connected. Staying connected keeps me sane. I can't let this slide for now even if it is hard. And so far I've blogged on far harder days, so there's really no excuse. If you feel bad about thinking up punishments, just know that I really hate making my own food, so almost anything else will seem like a breeze by comparison. You'd really be doing me a service.


deja said...

Pshaw! Pies are easy to make. I do them all the time. Or you could make a quiche, which is an egg pie with no crust. Besides, cooking is a good life skill! (That and I can't think of anything either.)

Mag said...

I like the quiche idea. I make crustless quiche all the time and it's super duper simple.

Vegetable quiche recipe:

mushroom, sliced
eggs, beaten
shredded cheese (I usually use mild cheddar, but pick your favorite or mix 'em all up)

Put spinach and mushroom in a pyrex bowl.

Add shredded cheese.

Mix a little bit with your hands.

Season eggs with salt and pepper, and then pour it into the pyrex.

Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until done.

Warning: The quiche will become watery if you don't dry the spinach properly after you wash them. Either wash them ahead of time so they're dry, or just not wash them.

Don't ask me about measurement. I usually just eyeball them :-p

Sarah Renee said...

Well, if everyone is hell-bent on food punishments, you could just be forced to design an original pie recipe. For example, I'm sick of seeing apple pie and pumpkin pie and peach pie, etc, recipes all over the place. I want to try prickly pear and quince pie. But I'd kind of have to design my own recipe--what spices would compliment prickly pear?? That way, you have a recipe, and someone else can cook it. Or you could make your very own pirate boardgame, board, pieces, rules, etc and all. Or you could do some karaoke for us. But you're so talented these would probably all just be fun projects for you.

Jamie said...

I didn't know you live in Sacramento! Nahh not moving there, but pretty much my dad's entire family does so I went out to visit for a couple days. Not nearly long enough though! I'll have to let you know if I make it out for an extended visit :-)

ErinD said...

this is totally off the point of things....Dexter++