Monday, May 31, 2010

Burning Bush

Today during my driving lesson my instructor and I saw a bush burning in the parking lot of the DMV. God speaking to the DMV?
Shakes Fist

My sister's bike was stolen yesterday which almost makes me want to give her a treat even though she didn't catch me not blogging.

It also makes me want to throttle the thief.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Yes, I know I'm not bicycling in the picture, just read on. Today I went on the bicycle trail with my sister and found an Aquatic Center that rents kayaks! I'm so excited! I've been wanting to go kayaking again for five years now ever since I did it in Taiwan. Above is a picture from Taiwan of me kayaking in the mountains with British business people.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Holding On

Organizing my room has shown me just what a pack rat I am. Some stuff I still can't let go of even though I know I'll never use it or look at it again. Instructions for instance. I'm sure I must have the instructions for things I don't even own anymore, but I keep them because A.) Part of me still believes I might need them. B.) I'm too lazy to go through them and decide which ones I might need if I ever read instructions.

But my triumphs are the things that I was finally able to get rid of. There were some novels I had to read in undergrad that were absolutely terrible and to compound their terribleness, I've been lugging them around this whole time. Why? Because I'm a pack rat. I shall give them to Good Will in hopes to make someone with bad taste in literature very happy.

I did find one of my old roommate agreements from undergrad, though, and recall why I cling to some things. Its promise to have only quiet orgies and not to let guests leave until they're satisfied still makes me smile.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sleepy Rain and in the Bath With Clothes

It was a rather sleepy day for me, and I didn't feel like going out with all the rain, so I organized my room some more and finally found my alarm clock. I've also been catching up on Legend of the Seeker episodes which have proved to be cheesetastic as usual. Hulu keeps showing Yaz birth control commercials and I keep wondering what going into a bath tub fully clothed has to do with birth control or being happy. I think it would just make me feel soggy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting Back On Track

I was mildly productive today as far as job searching goes, but I need to find my alarm clock so I've gone back to the endless task of organizing my room full of boxes. Still sleeping on a camp mat.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I See No Reason To Stay Inside...

If there's no internet. I chose trudging out to the library in rainy weather rather than stay inside while our internet was down. At least I was motivated to pick up my holds.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Good and Bad

My arms are so stiff, and I have to organize the insane pile of stuff in my room. But I had a good weekend, and I learned that the transit from Roseville to Folsom is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Quite speedy for a bus and two trains.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Later Peeps

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog Hiatus

Urgh, I spent most of yesterday cleaning and moving and so forgot to blog. And today I have to say that there will be no blogs Saturday or Sunday.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sadly, I'm Very Much Like This

Monday, May 17, 2010

Rain and Sun

The two should not be possible together and yet, somehow, they are.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hee, hee

Usually I stay away from the plethora of cute animal videos online, but I have to confess, I love this one.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rule Clarification

It has been tolerated today because I was weak and misleading. But from this day forward, two scoops of gelato (or any frozen treat) counts as two treats, not one. This will only really matter to my sister.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Calendula Gel and Lychee Gelato

I have sensitive skin and today discovered that Calendula Gel and sun exposure seems to help. I also found lychee gelato at a place in the mall next to me and it was delicious.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Let's Protest the British Government Today and Save a Woman's Life

Okay, I've never asked anyone to sign a petition in my life. This isn't to say I haven't encountered worthy causes before, I generally just feel uncomfortable sharing my feelings on issues with others. So I won't ask you to sign this petition, but here's the story in the hopes it will move you to do so.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stream of Ramble Diary

So today I went to lunch at the house of two of the people in my book club, then I went downtown to return a library book, saw a shirtless man with lots of tattoos being arrested as I walked off the lightrail (good ol' Sacramento), went home, somehow missed the 7pm bus and had to take the 8pm instead, saw an abandoned shoe on the street, got home, and now I am going to take a bath.

I went out and forgot to blog. Another treat for my sister.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I finally got my sister all the treats I owe her. If I'm lucky, I won't forget to post again. But, considering my track record, this isn't likely. I've been thinking of getting a watch with an alarm to remind me to do stuff. I usually prefer analog watches but it would be really useful to have reminders.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day Cleaning

My sister and I did a lot of cleaning today. I hope my mom did not feel compelled to do as much because she did not have to today.

Saturday, May 08, 2010


And other results of forgetfulness. My sister's earned another treat for herself. But whatever, I still had a good evening. I saw Iron Man 2 with friends. Awesome movie and good times.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

The Knights of the Overwhelming Pile of Boxes

So, a friend of mine showed me the first episode of the web series, The Guild. Between cleaning, organizing, and moving boxes I have managed to watch all of the rest of the episodes currently in existence. I quite liked it and have to admit that I knew a girl like Tink once. Bladezz looks (and acts) a bit like a guy I used to know. And I've met parents who remind me a little too much of Clara. I'm also curious how they filmed the scenes with the kids in the cage because that seems like the type of thing you could get in trouble for actually doing...

I was also excited that my sister found our old computer (dubbed Greg because he used to make a greggreggreggreg... sound when we turned him on) and Greg still works! Ah, Windows 95. The memories.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Vacuuming..., by nature, what it does.

But in other news, I did buy Hank Green's Anglerfish song as a Hank O de Mayo present and because it is awesome.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


It occurred to me that when you work they often only pay you in money. When you volunteer they pay you in appreciation. If only I could live off that warm fuzzy feeling, I'd be set.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Anonymous Commentors and Product Review

An anonymous comment was left on my last blog post that included French. I'm unclear if this is one of my French friends, or simply a friend who speaks French. If that kind person could reveal herself (I'm assuming a girl because of the French), that would be great. I'm sure I miss you too, despite not knowing who you are.

Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick review of the Desert Essence Organics Body Care lotion I've been using. This is strictly a consumer reports type review--meaning unsponsored. If I were being paid to do these, I'd do a lot more, trust me.

So I've liked this lotion as body lotion. The pros are the natural ingredients, the smell (I have been informed it makes me smell yummy), and the effectiveness. Effectiveness can be difficult to judge with my skin since it's already so bad, but it seems to be doing it good. It's two major cons are the oily residue, which takes some time to seep in, and the price tag.

I also discovered one more pro just today: it actually works quite nicely on my hair. This is likely because it has coconut oil in it. Nothing makes my hair look perfect. But this did transform it from the crazy frizzy mess it was this morning to something I would consider--if not a good hair day--then at least a normally decent hair day. And my hair is now soft to the touch but not too oily.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

There Will Be No Blog on Sunday

And no explanation either.