Saturday, June 05, 2010

Tweets of the Living Dead!

My collaborator and I are now openly advertising our Twitter project. It's a Twitter novella on two separate Twitter accounts: and Germaphobe Will and acerbic, customer-hating Elsie are two tea shop employees living on opposite ends of the country and completely unaware of the other until the zombie apocalypse and Twitter bring them together. So far they've been leading their normal lives, but on Monday, June 7th, the apocalypse hits!

You can simply read and enjoy or become a zombie yourself! Tweet something incoherent (like a zombie mashing keys), ex. "nvjkifenjk" with #zombieapocalypse. Or you could do the classic "brains!" with #zombieapocalypse.

And following us on Twitter makes baby zombies happy!

Trust me, you want them to be happy.

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