Saturday, October 28, 2006

Writer's Question of the Week

Writers often must ask themselves strange questions when they write such as whether or not someone would die if an elephant sat on them or the average time it would take a unleaden swallow to fly north. Here's my writer's question of the week:

Would a small glass ink pot shatter if it was thrown in someone's face or would it just leave a heck of a bruise?

The beauty of writer's questions is you don't necessarily have to be right. You just need a general consensus because the whole idea is that someone doesn't read your book and then say to themselves "That wouldn't happen!"

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Shout Out To...

Kelly who got married yesterday! Congratulations! It was a beautiful ceremony full of love, light, and ...pumpkins.

And personally I think EVERYONE should have a Hello Kitty wedding cake!


Anonymous said...

I think it would leave one heck of a bruise, and lots of spatter that could become symbolic, eh? Or just pretty spatter, because nothing says sexy like spilled ink!

Cherie said...

Okay, that's two votes for bruise without instant shattering (one came by email.) Thank you Sarah and Laurel! :)

Anonymous said...

Tim says:

In short, I think it quite unlikely to shatter.

Whether or not it breaks is largely a factor of the thickness of the glass, and perhaps the size of the jar. If the owner of the ink bottle is cheap, the bottle is big, and the surface it lands on is hard, I bet it would it shatter, but peoples faces are reasonably soft.

A skull is actually not terribly thick, so if the ink is thrown hard enough, I might vote on the skull breaking before the bottle.

Anonymous said...

Chrissy says:

I think it would hit their face and hurt like crazy, but would not shatter. If they applied a cold compress quickly enough, the bruise might not be too bad, either. But they may not have a cold compress available.

At any rate, I think that it would shatter AFTER it hits the person's face, when gravity takes its toll and it hits the floor (especially if the floor is made of granite or hardwood, but it might not shatter if it falls onto a shaggy rug or other springy surface).

But of course it depends on how hard the person's face is. Is this person's face made of rock, flesh, or iron hard scales?

Cherie said...

Thanks to everyone who responded! :) You've all pretty much confirmed my own suspicons on the matter.

To Tim: It is an expensive ink bottle

To Chrissy: The face is completly human.

To anyone curious: The floor is stone so I know it would shatter there.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I think it would depend on the bottle. If this is a fancy shmancy bottle, then I think it would bruise. If it were cheap, then it would shatter.

Cherie said...

Thanks Ishani! :) I hope grad school's going well.