Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Movie Review

*Warning: Movie and Book Spoilers*

Yeah, they're tiny in that picture, but I couldn't find a better one. If you click on it, though, it's a lot bigger. Anyway, it says something about a movie when you can't find a close-up action scene you like. There were cool scenes in this movie, but I couldn't find any good stills. Mostly because it's all about Harry, and personally, I think it's gone to his head.

Overall Thoughts

To be fair I didn't like The Order of the Phoenix book, and I liked the film better than the book. I may have liked it better than the Goblet of Fire film. I'm not sure. The only thing I ever liked about Phoenix is that it's easily the most quotable of all the Harry Potter books. Sadly, only one of my favorite quotes (Dumbledore telling the aurors he's not going to go quietly) made the movie, and it wasn't delivered as I would have liked it. Micheal Gambon wasn't as bad in this movie as he was in The Goblet of Fire, where he alternated between strange outbursts and looking old and lost. In this movie he doesn't look like he's trying to beat Harry, and I was even able to sympathize better with Harry than I could in the book. When you see Dumbledore consistently and obviously purposely ignoring Harry, then you can better understand Harry's feelings of isolation and frustration much more than all the internal whining in the book.

At the same time, I think they hit the audience over the head with how alone Harry was. Too many scenes of him standing alone. At least a few minutes wasted that could have been used for something better. There's also a point in the movie (actual picture below) where Harry tells Sirius that he's "angry all the time." Sirius leans over to comfort him, and I wanted, more than anything else, for him to say, "Of course, Harry. You're fifteen!"

I was disappointed, and I can't even remember what he said. It was just something lamely encouraging. Gary Oldman is a fantastic actor, but he sadly did not get enough of his great lines from the book.

Many scenes also went too quickly. I think some of the Harry "I'm so alone" scenes could have been cut to extend the scene where Dumbledore escapes the aurors (give poor Phineas Nigellus his line dang it!). Also, Snape's Worst Memory was so short, and they cut Lily out completely. It might as well not be there the way it is.

Then there's the most important scene. Sirius's death. I cried when I read it in the book. Sirius was my favorite character. Now, it could just be because I've already grieved and no longer trust Rowling with my heart, but I didn't even blink when it happened. Yet I actually cried when Cedric died in the fourth film whereas my reaction in the book was "so what?" I don't know if this was a personal thing or if the scene really wasn't all that moving. However, it does seem like they don't address Sirius's death in the rest of the movie. It's like they're less broken up about it than they were about Cedric!

Special Effects

Despite my disappointment with Sirius's lack of good lines, I think the special effect of him in the fire was much better done than before. But they cut out the majority of the cool things in the department of mysteries. They just have all the glass orbs breaking. The entire ministry is an amazing set, but they didn't do as much with it as they could have. I also mourned the loss of the scene in the book where the statues came to life. That would have been awesome because those statues were impressive, and I was really looking forward to them fighting. Very unfortunate, that.


The Best

The best character in this entire movie was Luna Lovegood. I didn't like her in the book, but I loved her in the movie. She did the best job as an actress. She was not only perfect as Luna, she was more than perfect; she was better. I think the book Luna is nuts. But this Luna was someone I would love to have as a friend. Her voice is so beautiful and quiet, but it doesn't seem insane--just permanently contemplative.

The Teachers

Imelda Staunton is actually a perfect Umbridge as well, but because of that I couldn't like her character. I will just respect her as an actress.

Another excellent actress is Maggie Smith, but I was disappointed that McGonagall didn't stand up to Umbridge as much as she did in the book. As I already said, Dumbledore wasn't a complete loss but he still wasn't good enough to make me completely happy with his performance either.

Finally, Alan Rickman is brilliant as always and the perfect Snape. If anything he should have had more lines.

The Students

Harry was at least not worse than he was in the book, and Ron was actually better than he has been in the other movies and even in the book itself. Hermione was tolerable which is saying a lot because normally I don't care for her character or Emma Watson's acting.

Fred and George at least got a bigger part in this movie than in the other movies and they do very well, but it looks like this was at the expense of Percy getting NO LINES AT ALL! Gurgle. I know I'm weird, but I love Percy and Chris Rankin who plays him. So this was probably only a disappointment for me and a small minority of Percy fans. The reason I like him is because I think he'll redeem himself. If Rowling forgets about him, then I'll just pretend like he did.

Continuing on the Weasleys, I liked that whenever Ginny did a defensive spell she blew something up. In a good way and not a mistake way, if that makes any sense. She didn't get any good lines, but that was at least a visual way of showing that you should expect great things from her.

Another character who received a disappointing blow to his role was Neville. I know it wasn't of the utmost importance to the story but I love Neville so I was kinda sad about this. This is not the fault of Matthew Lewis, though. He's still an awesome Neville, call me! Ahem, yeah. Just the limitations of the script.

The Order

You don't see the actual Order of the Phoenix much. They didn't do badly, but I wouldn't have felt anything for them if I hadn't read the books. The one time I really loved Sirius in this movie is when he punches Lucius and tells him to leave his godson alone. That was shortly before he died, though, so there's a bit of a pall over the triumph for those who know what's going to happen.


Kreacher. Why are you here? Shrug. Kreature was a waste of special effects. He had no purpose in the film. I would have preferred at least one shot of Mrs. Black's portrait screaming.

Filch, on the other hand, is exactly as he should be. The actor who plays him is as I imagine him, and unlike Umbridge, I actually enjoy watching him be bad. So the picture where I make fun of him later is done with love.


Here is my impression of three random things in the movie that bugged me or that I just raise an eyebrow at. As such, I've paired it with a completely random image.

1.) Cho Chang and the Veritaserum: Instead of having Cho's friend snitch on the group like in the book, it was Cho herself. Now, this actually would have tied up the story quite nicely and made everyone understand why Harry broke up with her instead of having the erroneous cafe scene. But then they say that Umbridge used Veritaserum on her. Then shouldn't they all forgive her? Except they don't.

2.) Voldie and his Pimp Suit: Perhaps it really is hard out there for a Dark Lord.

3.) Flashbacks? Two hours isn't long enough? We know Cedric died. They spend more time on that than they do on building up Sirius before his last hurrah.

Now all of this is appropriately followed by a couple movie stills I decided to make fun of--enjoy.

*song* ...Here's the story of a man named Brady, who was busy with three boys of his own... *song*

Rrrr...don't make Harry Hulk angry!

Final Rating: Not as exciting as Goblet of Fire, and neither is as good as Prisoner of Azkaban, but I was less annoyed with the bad parts. It is also Harry Potter, and just for Evanna Lynch's charming Luna, it deserves a nod of approval so: 9/10


Tim said...

Look's like a pretty good analysis to me. I'm impressed you can remember which characters get lines, though.

Cherie said...

I can for characters that are important to me. I mean, they all pretty much got lines except Percy (SHEESH!) And what was possibly supposed to be Aberforth. It's just that a lot of them were severely limited in good lines.

Anonymous said...

Brian and I also felt that Harry is much more likable in the film. He is just so whine-y and angry in the book. I thought he was much more sympathetic in the movie--not nearly so passive agressive to his best friends. I agree with a lot of your points, although I do believe you love the Percy character a bit more than me, lol.

Cherie said...

I'm glad you liked the review. And I accept that I love Percy more than is probably healthy.

But I was wondering since you are probably one of the few to understand the reference:

Do *you* think that it's hard out there for a Dark Lord?

Sarah Renee said...

Well, in addition to our e-mail exchange, I'm going to post one thought here. I'm so glad someone else thought Luna made the entire movie. I almost wanted to be her when it was over, and my boyfriend wanted to date her. Thus, I had to warn her to back off, but I did it with much appreciation. ;)