Monday, September 03, 2007

All Bets Are Off

Grad School doesn't start until tomorrow and yet I'm already behind it would seem since I was not paying close enough attention to the hundreds of emails flooding my school inbox. So I already have a lot of work I need to do and thus will have to stop the deal I have had with my sister about blogging every day. This does not necessarily mean that I will not blog every day, so I would appreciate it if everyone still checked my blog from time to time. This is obviously something I enjoy doing, some nice me time, and I would like more than anything to keep it going. So I will blog whenever I can. I will even still try to blog every day. I just can't promise anything. I definitely cannot promise to read a fanfic if I miss a day unless that fanfic is assigned for one of my courses. So I'm sorry Chrissy.

I may be able to reinstate this deal, however, once I get used to grad school. Or I may drop off the face of the Earth for a while... But that doesn't mean I don't still want to hear from people. Knowing I still have friends may be the only thing keeping me going at times, so please still say hello from time to time if you can.

Also, one last random piece of fun news before I may not have time: They've actually based a TV show off of commercials.

Now don't get me wrong. I admit I did like those commercials. But I still think this says something about the state of modern TV, and it's probably a big part of the reason I don't regret no longer watching it.

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