Saturday, June 18, 2011

Reasons I Have Money For Sushi

Good thing my sis isn't paying as much attention to this blog as she used to. I seem to forget to post a lot. Anyway, I've been enjoying my local sushi restaurant but when I mentioned being unemployed the owner was curious how I could afford sushi. This has been mentioned before at another sushi restaurant. I'm not really offended by the question but don't feel the actual reason is the business of a stranger. So I decided to have fun with the question. I decided to say it was because I was a ninja bank-robber. I assure anyone who does not know, this is not the case. And normally I don't lie but I make an exception for anything too absurd to be true. However, I'd like to have a different answer to this question if I ever get asked again so I'd appreciate suggestions for other equally absurd possibilities.


Sarah said...

Rich fund...successful gambling career?

Cherie said...

Ha,ha! :D The rich husband and trust fund are a little too believable. I'm hot enough to be a trophy wife and anyone can have a trust fund. But professional poker player is a brilliant idea. That's my next answer!