Saturday, June 04, 2011

Use the Force, Jane...

About five months ago I started my own Jane Austen Book Club. Like in my favorite movie (I know it's also a book, but I prefer the film) I compare Jane Austen books to Star Wars. In The Jane Austen Book Club film, a character only does this for Mansfield Park. And if anyone wants to know what he said, they should watch the film. However, I've done this for all the novels except Mansfield Park. Here are the results so far:

1.) Pride and Prejudice

Lady Catherine is like the Emperor. They both tried to do evil but ended up doing good: the Emperor tried to turn Luke but ended up making Vader turn good. Catherine tried to get Darcy not to marry Elizabeth but ended up making him marry her. And they both have been played by old ladies.

2.) Emma

Hmm...I don't recall what I said at book club, but Mrs. Bates is like C3P0, neither one will shut up but they both have hearts of gold. Except Mrs. Bates's is metaphorical and C3P0's could easily be an actual heart of gold.

3.) Persuasion

Han thought Leia loved Luke just like Captain Wentworth thought Anne loved Mr. Elliot. And both Leia and Anne are closely related to their lover's rivals (brother and first cousin). Plus, both Han and Wentworth are ship captains! :D

4.) Sense and Sensibility

Elinor and Marianne are like R2D2 andC3PO. They're very close but very different. Both Marianne and C3PO broadcast all their feelings, whereas no one understands R2D2 or Elinor because they don't talk about their feelings (or when R2D2 does, it's in beep bop noises...Elinor probably would have gotten more attention if she'd made beep bop noises).

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