Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The GRE is...

...a schoolyard bully who beats you up, takes your lunch money, and then steps on your face while you're down. But that's okay. I have resigned myself to schoolyard bullies and the GRE, and I at least shall never again have to deal with either. I took the GRE for the second and last time today and did only 10 points better on the math, inexplicable since I was just as panicked and felt as if I ran out of time sooner. To my sister, I know you told me to remain calm, but that's nearly impossible for me to do when encountering both math and a testing situation at the same time. But at least I didn't do any worse even though I was certain that I would. However, I did do 40 points worse on the verbal which is equally inexplicable since I felt much better this time and knew the first word for certain which is more than I can say for last time.

BUT it is over. I wish I could say as much for my grad school apps...


Anonymous said...

Hugs to you Cherie. I wish there were something I could do or say to make you feel better. But I know you have to deal with what you feel,and make it better yourself. I just dislike to see you so down. I hope things get better for you Cherie. I love you. So take care of yourself and all my love. And thank you for the card. I do love the fuzzy ferrets. I can't wait till you get the urge to make me another one.

Love Mom

Cherie said...

It's okay, Mom. I don't feel nearly as depressed about it as last time. Since I already accepted my last score and this one, while slightly worse, wasn't signifcantly worse, it at least didn't come as much of a shock. If anything, I was relieved that I didn't do worse on my math.

I'm glad you like your card.