Monday, January 08, 2007

Must Resist...

...urge to buy a mouse for my laptop just so I can play "defend your castle" more efficently.

Link for anyone lacking in time-wasting activities:

* * * * *
Cherie's Fictional Crush for the Week: I watched the movie Emma for a second time because I didn't really remember much from the first time. I begin to even wonder if I watched it all the way through before, because I really enjoyed it, and I don't remember being that enamored of it the first time. Perhaps the book was still fresh in my mind since it was not one of my favorites. I intensely disliked Harriet for being spineless and without an opinion of her own. Anyway, I particularly liked Mr. Knightly. I wasn't really attracted to the actor, but he did an excellent job portraying the character, and by the end I wanted to give the man a big hug along with Emma. But what of Mr. Darcy, you ask? Well, any of my dear fictional men will know I'm far too fickle to have my attention held for long. It's rather ironic actually since I'm so attracted to constancy in a man. But I'm sure my interest will turn back to Darcy at some point as it never entirely leaves him.

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