Monday, September 17, 2007

RAM, SAM, and Gilpatrick

I was just reading an article for class (or rather I’m currently reading it and should be doing so now) but the fact that serial access memory is shortened to SAM made me pause and chuckle. In my mind I see a little Gilpatrick lounge inside every computer with Sam sitting down, his feet on the table, watching TV when some command tells him to go search the computer memory. The little computer Sam will probably grumble, set aside whatever food he’s eating, and go and get it.

Maybe this won't help me understand computers but it sure makes this article less boring. Gosh, I miss Gilpatrick.


Anonymous said...

What is a gilpatrick?

Cherie said...

Gilpatrick was the Honors House at Denison and easily one on the best places I've ever lived inhabited by some of the coolest people I've ever met. I probably took you and Mag by to see it when you visited. It was an old Victorian house. But I don't think anyone was there when you were since it was the summer time.

Anonymous said...

Cherie, this cartoon reminded me and Heather of you and your blog(9/18)

Cherie said...

Ha, ha, thanks. That is very true. I should come up with some commandments really. But they'd be really more like guidelines because I fully intend to contridict myself.

Sarah Renee said...

Amen to that. I miss the Gilp, too.