Friday, April 25, 2008


Hey all! Guess what I did yesterday. That's right, I made a video blog! See the amazing unedited (because I don't have editing software yet) version of my video blogging antics:

Also I added a link in the links section (scroll down and look to the left) to my YouTube right above, do my eyes deceive me, no they do not, it's a Graveyard Book Countdown widget! That's right, I PWN the standardized format. But for all who miss my dulcet tones and divine powers I hope this video blog is a good dose of Cherie. And yes I know I cut off the top of my head for most of the video. I'm working on it. But please tell me what you think. If you like it, I might put in more of an effort to make more sooner. If you don't like I still might make more, because I'd like to get good at this, but I just might have less of a sense of urgency. Or I might have more depending on how stubborn and contrary I'm feeling. We'll see. But I really do want to know what you think. You could at least help improve certain aspects with suggestions so the next ones are more to your liking.

This one also took FOREVER to upload. Like three hours. Because it's 24 more megabytes than YouTube generally recommends without its nifty uploader software which I don't know how to install to Linux (Chrissy?). So if nothing else my next video will be shorter and hopefully a smaller file.


Anonymous said...

Cool that you did a vlog. I am very lazy at reading things. What camera were you using? The sound quality was good. Does your camera have a remote? cos then you could do cool zooms. There should be a way for you to compress your video. If you have a mac you can edit on imovie. If not, I believe you can do basic edits using quicktime (never done it myself though). How dare you not like the chronicles of narnia (you have full permission not to like the movies but you should like the books- I had fun reading them when I was younger...don't know if it would be the same now)

Anonymous said...


Cherie said...

I sent Heather an email but I'll answer some of her questions here as well so other people don't wonder needlessly.

I used a Nikon Coolpix L3 which is a very nice digital camera but video's just kinda an extra feature so not fun fancy extras like remotes.

I'm currently using Linux on my dad's computer so I'd have to get my sister to install any movie editing software.

Currently I still hate the Chronicles of Narnia. Sorry, but I haven't started Prince Caspian yet so I'll let you know if that changes. I feel I should read it before the movie. I did not feel the same for The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe because that book is the reason I hate Narnia in the first place.

Unknown said...

I am impressed.


Anonymous said...

The first section is very Blair Witch Project, which I hear is still in. I especially liked the framing for the rest of the vlog where you have the sun behind your head, a white wall on one side, and the bedpost in the foreground on the other. Serious depth there while still demonstrating the basic cammers' lack of knowledge regarding proper lighting setups, though such setups have become a genre on their own.
As for content, don't be hatin' on Narnia. I don't think it's the same reading it at this age when your brain is more fully developed. I also remember when finding more than the first couple of books together was rare, so being able to read any of later volumes was a treasure. I'm also a little overnostalgic about it because I watched the cartoon film of Lion...and act it out one year when I was little at Bible Summer Camp. :) I ended up being the only one the White Witch didn't freeze because I pretended I was frozen and then snuck around behind her. BTW, I do not remember any of the rhetoric regarding what Narnia has to do with Christianity, but I do have warm memories of getting introduced to the storyline.
With that in mind, you probably wouldn't like Oz stories much either because it's often just things happening to the characters without much backstory. Eventually, it all gets explained, but people often settle with simpler reasons for their actions as well.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what you talk about I enjoy hearing anything you want to talk about. I am not sure how to edit a video but I can find out. Did you use your digital camera for the video or something else?

Love you

Love Mom

Sarah Renee said...

Way cool, Cherie.