Monday, April 28, 2008

Vlog #2, Playlists, and Some New Links

Yesterday my sister and I went to the park and made several video blogs. This is one of them. I think I'll space them out one per day just to keep you all on the edge of your seats. It also means I'll have a rather light blogging load for the next few days since my rules allow me to just post a video blog and nothing else (although usually I like to add some kind of text). Also I'm sorry if it seems like I'm yelling. I often underestimate the sound on my digital camera which, as Heather noted, is quite good. But you can turn down the volume on YouTube whereas I don't have that feature so clearly that's an improvement.

Also many of you may notice I'm outside and think "How come you can do a video blog outside Cherie but you have to be alone in the house?" The answer is that my sister was with me and so I didn't care what anyone thought of me. I'm sure the people in the park probably did think I was insane but as long as someone else is with me, I'm okay with that.

And if you decide to go to My YouTube (also found in my links), you could also look at my vlogbrother playlists. I have put all their videos (excepting video responses) into two playlists (they wouldn't fit into one) so if you ever want to watch several of their videos in succession (which is usually what I do since they're only three minutes long) you can do that with my nifty playlists. The vlogbrothers themselves do not have playlists of all their videos on their YouTube channel. They only have playlists of select videos so this was clearly a vital construct on my part.

I've decided to be a little less self-centered and add some links to my friend's blogs in the links section. I added Sarah, Tim and Mag, and Boris but if I've forgotten one of my friend's blogs, just let me know and I'll add it. Of if for any reason you want me to take your link down, I could do that too. Mostly I was tired of hunting for the urls to these blogs when I wanted to view them.

Friend of the Week: Sarah


Anonymous said...

What's to defend? They're whiny British children! If the point of Narnia is to grow, then they're definitely going to be horrid in the first few sections of the book. Besides, I don't think you've met enough whiny kids to really realize that IS the sort of thing some of them might fixate on. Adult neurotics/obessors don't arise out of nothing.
Cute vlog ya spaz ;)

Cherie said...

Dejah, I think you forget that I want to be a youth librarian. This is not based on some idealized vision I have of children but rather all the real children I have met and enjoyed hanging out with. And I happen to know that real children would beat up the children in the Chronicles of Narnia and take their lunch money. And I would help them.

For anyone still doubting my experience with children: I tutored the first and second grades for about three years and watched my own little brothers grow (and they are still growing since they're still 9 and 6 years old). I've worked in a neighborhood library branch that has high traffic of kids.

And here's a video of my little brothers so people can see what real children are like:

Although, admittedly my little brothers can be quite a bit crazier than the average kid.

My beef with the Chronicles of Narnia is not that I don't understand kids but rather that I think C.S. Lewis didn't.

But in spite of this long rant I'm glad you liked the vlog and thank you very much for watching it. I just couldn't let the accusation of my ignorance of whiny children to go unchallenged.

Cherie said...

Actually, my oldest little brother is now 10. His birthday was the 21st as I noted in my blog so I'm only partially a bad sister for not remembering now.